Had a visit from the Special Intelligence Section today. That’s the Thought Police/Political Police section of SA Police in case you don’t know.
It appears that a certain racial and religious element didn’t like the truth being told about the Oslo murderer. See http://sacreator.com/norway-mass-murderer-anders-behring-breivik-is-anti-racist-pro-homosexual-and-pro-israel. Ah well, at least unlike last time, they were very polite and left within minutes. And without confiscating any computer equipment and tax records this time! They were in and out so fast I didn’t even get a chance to say the five words: “I have nothing to say.”
So if somebody tries to tell you that we do not have a political or ideological police force in Australia, tell ’em their dreamin’.
Question: Are you required to allow police into your home if they are not carrying a warrant?
Answer: No. See Plenty v Dillon – 1991 – HIGH COURT OF AUSTRALIA.